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Introducing the...

DeeVA Academy

Deeva's Visual arts School for DIY Design Deevas & Dudes

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3 Years ago... An idea was born that really blew me away! If this were the imaginary realm that I would imagine myself to be in, where rules of gravity didn't apply, I would've needed lead shoes to keep me tethered to the ground!

But as it happened, that was a job for Deeva, not Dee. Dee just wasn't ready. So the idea was gently put on ice, so that it could wait for Dee to find all the scattered pieces of herself and become Deeva. Now Deeva is ready! And I am so excited about this!!!


It's with great pleasure that I introduce you to The DeeVA Academy, DeeVA's Visual Arts School for DIY Design Deevas & Dudes.

(Say that 3 times fast!)


The Academy is a virtual realm where you'll not only learn how to create images with that added touch of magic like Deeva does, but you'll be part of a community of Deevas and Dudes, all on that same journey to discover, and ignite, that spark that is within us ALL!


There will be a range of courses available, but the crown jewel is the 12 week 'Design like a Deeva' Course. DeeVA and I have just celebrated our 15th Anniversary, and during those 15 years there have been many lessons. In this course, I will condense those lessons and share them with you. The focus is on being able to express your vision in a way that is eyecatching, breathtaking and expressive.


What would you like to share with the world if you had the tools to do so? So... if it calls to you, step up and level up.


Whether you are a business owner, an artist, or someone who has beautiful images in mind, just waiting to be shared... with an extra dash of magic, then DeeVA Academy is waiting for you.


'Design like a Deeva' will focus mainly on using Photoshop for your creations, supplemented by workbooks, fun challenges, 1:1 feedback sessions, and all the support you need, all in bite-sizes to fit in around a busy schedule.


The Inaugural Cycle begins on the 6th of July, and enrollments commence on June the 8th. There is still so much to share about the Academy, but again... bite-size.


If you would like to hear more, you can like the brand new DeeVA Academy Facebook page, or you can keep an eye on


I can't wait to share the full scope of the DeeVA Academy with you!


Hello there...

and welcome to the June Edition of the DeeVA Chronicles


To say that this year has been a weird one, would be an understatement indeed. It's like we're in a time bubble where everything has come to a standstill. It's been a time of hardship for most, but also a time for reflection. I truly hope that you and yours are well and staying safe.


For me, this has given me the opportunity to re-evaluate things and look at where I want to go and what I want to achieve. It's no secret that I have always been full of ideas, some crazier than others. Yet I believe in all of them.


This is me... Deeva Willowheart. Last year I embraced the concept of 'A Charmed Deeva', allowing me to share all aspects of myself. It's the symphony that is Deeva, and I dance to its tune. Clumsily, maybe, but it's still dancing. I will continue to share all of these with you, but it's become abundantly clear that I need to focus my energies on those aspects I'm most passionate about, and that bring the greatest joy to my life.


So, I am excited to share a snapshot of all the exciting things that have been

going on. This year feels as if it's not started yet, but the level of change

tells a different story.


Deep Forest Blessings,

Deeva Willowheart

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The Healing Heart Digital Image

We could all
use some joy
right now…

What brings
you Joy?


An image can convey incredible power! Especially when it means something to you. This image can be a reminder of all that which you cherish most. I will design an image exclusively with you in mind, radiating healing energy to bring calm and
joy to your life.


You can use this image on your digital devices, you can print it out and frame it, OR you can get it as a canvas, or on a mug, or anything else you can think of. These add-ons are available after your image has been created.


You can find this image on which is an amazing new site created by Tuminds Social Media to give people access to smaller businesses in Scotland.

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So what's Twitch? Honestly, until very recently, I had no idea. I was under the impression that gamers use Twitch to stream live, and share their gaming experience. It still does, but it seems to have outgrown those boundaries. Now it's a platform where you can find all sorts of people streaming, and recording their work processes. Among these are Artists... There are some incredible artists with decades of experience who are now sharing their time and expertise with people all over the world. So this is where I come in... Just kidding. I don't have that kind of art experience yet, but everyone has to start somewhere right? I have found it so much fun to go live on Twitch, and have people engage with you as you work.


So if you want to go and have a look at some of the art I have been creating lately, or some Drawing Duels that I've had with a fellow Twitcher, then click on the image and it'll transport you there. You can follow my channel to get notified when I am live. See you there x

in the
Deeva Art Shop

Kiri Leonard

Fantasy Artist


Inspirational Artist Spotlight

I find it hard to put into words what Kiri has inspired in me, and others, but I'll try. She conveys such a magical spirit in everything she does, and has such a warm, caring and approachable way about her. As one of her Patrons I get to see a glimpse of the world she is creating and she willingly shares tips and advice through her Patreon. It's her video about her Art Journey that inspired me to step into art again and for that I am eternally grateful. I highly recommend that you check her out.

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DeeVA Academy
The Healing Heart
Clarence and Twitch
Notice Board and Animation
Art Shop



Something has been stirring in my mind and it has grown into something absolutely magical! It's still being developed but I just have to give you a sneak peak!


This is Clarence the Magic Mood Dragon who lives in an enchanted forest called Whistlewood Grove. He has many tales to tell, and adventures to share with you and his furry friends.


I have to wait before I can share him with the world, but if you would like to be part of his genesis, then
you can be. Click here to explore how...

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My Animation Exploration!

I've always wondered how people animated their logos so that it looks like it's being written in real-time. Well, recently I decided to explore this realm that has been completely foreign to me. And boy did I have fun! It was like entering this wormhole and getting ejected out the other end 10 hours later.... with this.

After completing my animated logo, I was lucky to have the opportunity to challenge myself and animate the lovely logo for Rachel MacNeill of the Islay Whisky Academy. The first logo (DeeVA) was incredibly tricky to do because of the writing, but THIS logo was so much fun! I enjoyed the element of getting the rudder, sail and telescope to move! This is how it turned out.

Time will tell if animation will be added as a full service to the DeeVA repertoire, but it's not hard to entice DeeVA with the prospects of trying something new. 


Think Carrot (Cake)... always helps *Grin*

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The DeeVA Helpline
is now available
(by Donation)
Click here to book
The DeeVA VIP Package
is now discontinued, so DeeVA Will no longer
be creating websites.
Graphics support may
be provided on request.
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that's all for now folks!
Thank you for being here! Until next time
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